Mika Launikari


A simple Christmas poem

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When everything in the world
comes to a soothing standstill,
and every hastily spoken word
vanishes through the mind’s mill,
whispers from eternity can be heard.

When everything in the universe
comes to a perfect harmony,
and every chanting verse
becomes a truthful testimony,
divinity enters our earthly converse.

When something in humanity
still gives us hope and faith
and rules reinforced by sanity
make our planet again great,
efforts will lead us towards unity.

When everything in our palace
reflects unconditional joy,
and every golden wine chalice
makes our invited guests enjoy,
our globe grows to a better place.

When everything in our hearts
rejoices the beauty of love,
and when all hatred departs
on the wings of a white dove,
light illuminates our innermost parts.

Have a Wonderful Christmas & a Soft Landing in the New Year 2017!

Text: Mika Launikari

Photo: Bob Stefko (Pinterest)